We are living things & we tend to react and respond to every action happening around us in a negative or a positive manner, depending upon the situations at that time. Every creature is different and so is their thinking process, this is how science works but ever wonder how astrology works? Astrology does not tell you what you should do, it tells’ you how can you do it.
Some people believe in the process of astrology and for some it’s just a reaction to your own actions. Astrology is actually an ancient science practice using predictions. Horoscope chart is an important tool to perform astrology, which helps forecast your future by combining the study of stars, planets and science. Every area of our life is affected by the movement of the planets viz. money, health, romance, travel, hobbies, family, friends, children, business & profession. Astrologers lead you to the path of your self- development by discovering your strength and weakness.
Unani medicine is based on the principles of famous Physicians, Hippocrates & Galen. The word Unani means “Greek” in Arabic.
Introduced in India around the 10th century, Unani Astrology originated in Ancient Greece, but is now practiced more in India. It involves the usage of Herbal Remedies, Dietary Practices & Alternative Therapies.
In addition, Unani medicine is partly based on the principle that environmental conditions, including the quality of water and air can significantly impact health. The medicine helps us fight the disease and also prevents many diseases. Commonly prescribed treatments in Unani medicine also includes dietary changes, leech therapy and surgery.
Contact us to know more.
KP Astrology is the study of nakshatras or stars and based on this study astrologer spredict an event of one’s life. KP Astrology was invented by late krishnamurti and he named it as “krishnamurti Paddhati”. Earlier it was difficult for an astrologer to predict the certainty of an event. The basic idea of preparing the chart in KP astrology is inspired from Bhava Chalit chart which is a highly used chart in Vedic astrology. Almost all the rules for preparing the chart in KP astrology are the same as that of Vedic astrology.Now comes the most important part which is highly significant in the KP system of astrology, that is sub-lords. Each star is then divided into 9 divisions and each of these divisions has some lord which is set to reside in that division. This lord is called the sub-lord of that division. This concept of sub-lords is the main core of KP astrology. Each of the planets has different properties but stars or Nakshatra are considered more powerful in KP astrology as they have stronger magnetic waves.
Know the probability of your events.
Lal Kitab is the study of nine planets and is part of vedic astrology. The predictions are based on the planetary position according to the twelve houses. Most important aspect of lal kitab is the identification of easy, inexpensive and extremely effective remedial measures to cure the illness. It is said that the solutions and remedies given by lal kitab are most effective, easy and provide quick results. The Lal Kitab editions are found mainly in Hindi and Urdu languages. A lot of the text and scriptures of the lal kitab are poetic and philosophical, it is known to have easy to perform Upays and remedies.
Cure your Illness with easy remedies.
Our understanding of love, relationships & gender evolution is increasing from generation to generation. There are many ways to find the right one for you at the right time & place. It doesn’t matter anymore whether you are straight, queer, monogamous or polyamorous, you can always find out what kind of person is best for you. The only thing you need to know is their zodic sign. In addition to breaking the ice on a first date, knowing yours and your potential match’s sign can unlock a world of knowledge about where you’re compatible and where you might struggle.
Know your love.
Panchang in hindu astrology is a hindu almanac. It is an astrological diary that gives useful astrological information required by an astrologer. It is consulted for finding and selecting an appropriate and auspicious time for important occasions, ceremonies or events like marriage, education, travel, starting a new business or project, examination, interview etc.So, basically panchang is used to match the current position of planets in a person’s astrological chart so as to find astrologically good days and times for that person. In short it helps in knowing what days and times are good for an individual and which ones may cause problems so as to avoid them.
Learn the right time for your new beginnings.